BillMonk: The easiest way to deal with roommate financials.

Have you ever been in a situation where your friend forgot that he or she owed you money? It’s awkward. If you’ve ever lived with friends or strangers, you deal with money being owed to one another all the time. Who deals with your gas, water, power, and cable bills? Does it EVER get slightly confusing?

With BillMonk, you can easily split bills, keep track of who owes who, between as many people as you want. It shows you in one easy form who owes who, at any point. On top of that, a feature called “Shuffle Debts” will consolidate a complicated array of debts between friends so that each of you require only the minimum number of transactions to settle your debts.

On top of that, they have a Library feature that allows you and your roommates to catalog items like dvds and books. This means I can search through my roommates movies by simply typing in the title. If a friend wants to borrow a movie, there’s a check-out feature built right in, so you don’t have to worry about friends forgetting to return your movies. Finally, when you split ways with your roommates, there’s no confusion as to who knows what.

There are a few changes I think this site and business could use, but that’s for another day.






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