Three New Startup Accelerators/Incubators in Los Angeles Announced This Month


I already wrote about MediaCamp (currently accepting applications), which was launched by Warner Bros/Turner (read more). I sat down with the team yesterday to ask them a few questions. What they’re trying to do is connecting with startups who are looking to do business with big media companies. Their mentors (as of now) are all internal people, and the goal of the accelerator is to both help startups understand big media companies, but also to help their internal executives understand startups. Unlike other accelerators, they’re not looking to necessarily take a specific percent of your company, rather jump on whatever existing note the company they may have with their $20k investment. Like other accelerators, they have extra money to throw in if necessary.

Startup UCLA was launched last summer, an accelerator for UCLA students. This month, LMU announced the LMU CBA Business Incubator for LMU students (read more). While the accelerator does focus on working with students and alumni, since the purpose of the program is to better prepare students for the real startup world, they’re open to working with non-LMU affiliated businesses.

Finally, there’s Be Great Partners, launching an accelerator/incubator in mid-wilshire (read more). They’re launching a $6m fund and are ready to invest $25~$50k in new projects. Sounds like the founder, Lin Miao, is associated with some controversy according to this SoCal Tech article.






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