Month: September 2010

  • Reasons you should cook.

    I cook for one reason. I want to be able to make food I enjoy. Of course I enjoy cooking for others, but unfortunately that’s not my motivation for learning to cook. Some of the most memorable moments in my life have involved great food. I want to be able to recreate that feeling on […]

  • 10 social media marketing tips for restaurants.

    Stuart Felkner, in this article, explains a social media marketing strategy for bars and restaurants. I couldn’t agree more that the hospitality industry should use social media in a very different way than consumer products, celebrities, or services. The point of purchase for restaurants and bars are at their physical location, as opposed to products […]

  • 10 reasons to do social media marketing.

    Here are 10 reasons your business or company should do social media marketing. 1) The percentage of time spent on social networking sites by people is increasing relative to total time spent on the Internet. 2) People are increasingly making both personal and business decisions based on recommendations or suggestions from people they know. 3) […]

  • Markters, PR Agencies, Advertisers, and Business Owners must understand social media marketing.

    I’ve written about why businesses need to do social media marketing and shared with you a video that depicts why social media isn’t a fad, but a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. I want to talk today a little bit about the future of social media marketing. For all marketers, PR agencies, advertisers, […]

  • Best social media marketing strategies implement collaboration marketing principles.

    John Hagel, using the term Collaboration Marketing, explains the most important principles behind a successful social media marketing solution. The following is an excerpt from his full blog post: Restoring the Power of Brands. This is written in 2005, but applies now more so than ever, as businesses flock to social media without a clear […]

  • Why do social media marketing?

    No matter what business you run, you want your customers and potential customers to think about your brand or business, in a positive way, as often as possible. The more this happens, the more likely they are to return or come to you for business and the more likely they are to suggest you to […]

  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing

    It seems like social media marketing is all the craze. Everybody seems to be talking about it. Every business is either hiring a social media marketing expert or a social media intern. But what is social media marketing? Do people really understand it? Social media marketing is an additional element to marketing/PR that leverages the […]

  • Social Media Marketing is more about culture than technology.

    When I tell people that I’m starting a company that studies and implements social media marketing, many people respond by telling me that it sounds interesting, but that technology isn’t their thing. This is a misconception. A successful social media marketer is someone who understands the nuances of the current cultural landscape. Social media marketing […]

  • How to throw a successful party.

    Imagine a party with free booze, an awesome live band, amazing food, and no people. You wouldn’t call that a successful party. A party can only be successful with people there, so throwing a party starts with marketing. Word of mouth marketing to be exact. If you’re throwing a party as big as Hard Halloween, […]

  • Why people use social networking sites.

    This post is directly taken from my response to a question on Quora, a Q&A website in which I answer questions about social media marketing. Q: Why do people engage in social media? A: This has to do with the evolution of the Internet and it’s usage. When the Internet first became available to the […]