Category: Musings

  • Alliterations ABC

    Absolutely Awesome Brilliantly Breathtaking Contagiously Cheerful Daringly Delightful Explosively Extraordinary Fiercely Fabulous Gallantly Groovy Hauntingly Happy Immeasurably Impressive Joyfully Jubilant Kindheartedly Kinky Lovingly Luxurious Marvelously Mind-blowing Nonchalantly Nerdy Outrageously Optimistic Perfectly Pleasant Quaintly Qulaified Religiously Righteous Simply Splendid Tremblingly Terrific Unbelievably Uplifting Vividly Vivacious Whimsically Wonderful X… Youthfully Yummy Z…  

  • My Thoughts on Opinion

    It’s okay to have different opinions as someone else, whether it be on politics, religion, books, restaurants or the best song in the world. You and the other person have taken different paths up to now, and it’s something along those paths that has lead you to your differences today. As helpful as it can […]

  • My Thoughts on God

    If you observe a colony of ants, you’ll find that they work together as if they were one organism. If you put a certain number of ants together, they’ll start acting like a colony, taking on individual roles that relate to the whole. The way ants communicate is similar to the way our neurons communicate, […]

  • What is success? In 100 words or less.

    He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty or failed to express it; Who […]

  • Promise Yourself These Things

    I recently came across this quote by Christian D. Larson, who is one of the driving forces of the New Thought Movement.

  • Eating Healthy

    You are what you eat, or so they say. That’s true to a certain extent. Much of what you eat is expelled through the A, through your blood, the rest circumvents. For 120 days your red blood cells live, carrying nutrients along the way. And since what you get is what you give, I give […]

  • There’s Always Room for a Couple Cups of Coffee w Friends

    I don’t know where the origin of this story comes from, but I wanted to share it with you. I’ve accompanied this with some photos from our road trip up north. When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar […]

  • Everyone’s "Busy"

    As I sit on a milk-carton on the side of Abbot Kinney, sipping my ice-cold whipper-snapper (what’s in this coffee? I like the name…), I wonder why I overwhelm myself with how “busy” I am. My parents have more bills and headaches to take care of than I do, but they manage to keep their […]

  • Chicken or the Egg? Team or Idea?

    Which comes first, the team or the idea? A person with an idea, passion, and determination, can collect a team, then rock out, yeah? But as the seasons change, so does the idea, and the path of the idea is set by the team. But the team is also shaped by the idea, because the […]

  • What the Dalai Lama Has to Say About Neuroscience

    I feel very strongly that the application of science to understanding the consciousness of meditators is very important… if the good effects of quieting the mind and cultivating wholesome mental states can be demonstrated scientifically, this may have beneficial results for others. – Dalai Lama This is a quote from the book I’m currently reading, […]